This is an update of some of our activities for the month of January, 2025.
January was a hell of a year, especially for those of us on Turtle Island, but also for those of us who cannot escape the foreign policies of the so-called “United States”.
It somehow seems old-hat to say that we’re dealing with an overt fascist takeover here. It’s almost too obvious to be meaningful anymore. But despair is what’s expected of us, so instead we must act on plans if we have them, and develop plans if we don’t. Find your people if you haven’t.
(video) The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Organizing – Anark
Steps are being taken by many to remedy the situation. Some of us know each other and some don’t, and that’s fine. There are a lot of different kinds of work that need to be done.
(podcast) It Could Happen Here: About That Nazi Salute
It seems we can barely catch a breath between crises anymore. While people in southern Appalachia will continue to struggle with the effects of Hurricane Helene for years to come, a significant chunk of occupied Tongva territory so-called “Los Angeles” has been decimated by fire.
Here are a few little things we’ve done this month:
- Racked up a small handful of contacts on Winter Field Day. The 100Ah battery box handled the 24hr contest fairly well.
- One of us obtained a new ATS-20+ receiver, which is a nice little Arduino Nano-based AM/FM/SSB receiver available for about $30-$40 that seems very hackable. (No link for this, as there are a number of sellers from various websites.) Paired with a small passive magnetic loop antenna, it’s quite easy and fun to do some SWLing in the woods.