Category Archives: News

april update

This is an update on some of our activities for the month of April, 2024. Hopefully everyone had a nice May Day! 🏴

Two comrades had a QSO on 20m SSB one evening. Distance approximately 600 miles.

Station A5-5EFHW inverted-vee20w
Station B5-8Random wire sloper100w

Two more comrades had a QSO on 40m SSB one evening. Distance approximately 1500 miles.

Station A2-2EFHW inverted-vee100w
Station B5-5shortened EFHW100w

One comrade made their first HF contact on 10 meter SSB phone, at a distance of over 2,000 miles at 100 watts.

One of us upgraded from Technician to General class license. They and a few others are studying for the Extra exam.

It’s definitely antenna season! One person has built a shortened end-fed halfwave and another is working on a 20 meter dipole.

A few air-core variable capacitors have been obtained for cheap from a hamfest. These are useful for building manual LC antenna tuners, crystal radio receivers, and probably a lot of other stuff.

We now have a PeerTube channel! There’s nothing interesting on there quite yet, but plans are percolating. In case you’re not familiar, PeerTube is a decentralized and federated video hosting platform. Think of it as the Fediverse alternative to YouTube.

A power supply upgrade has allowed one of us to finally make use of a cheap (~$75) 100 watt HF linear amplifier. While it does not appear possible to use digital modes with the amp, it has made SSB phone contacts significantly easier than in the past when limited to 20 watts. These PA-100 amps can be found on eBay from several different sellers. Some 50 watt kits can also be found for less money. Voice contact was made with Slovenia on 20 meters using this amp. Distance approximately 5,000 miles.

March Update

This is an update of some of our activities in the month of March, 2024.

Two new comrades have joined us this month! One from Appalachia, and another from the DC Metro area.

One was actually heard hunting POTA on 20 meters, after which we decided to connect over IP. Turns out he’s a long standing IWW member.

The other is a new ham with an interest in queer liberation and providing emergency communication support to the queer community.

We made use of webSDRs to remotely troubleshoot line-of-sight antenna setups.

One of us began construction of a portable 2 element Yagi antenna for the 10 meter band.

We experimented with multiple digital voice modes over both RF and IP, including DMR, YSF, Echolink, and M17.

Our comrades in the Midwest have constructed one fully functioning solar-powered Meshtastic node, and several portable nodes have been obtained by comrades there. Training and practice will commence when weather and schedules allow.

License exam study books have been scanned into digital formats for distribution throughout our networks.